Monday, April 11, 2011

Nerf Vortex Series - Revealed!

The new Nerf Vortex Series has been revealed on NerfNation Facebook page:

- Photo from NerfNation Facebook Page

NerfNation Facebook Link:

And here is the sneak peek video!


  1. DO WANT!!! hahaha. Anyone else clicked the refresh button like crazy?

  2. nerf no need disc guns nerf need a fk grened laucher!

  3. Disk shooters seem like a good path, the disk can coast through the air with very little propulsion. I hate the color scheme though.

  4. WOW! Wait, and N-Strikes? And Dart Tags? Continues?

  5. look at 8 sec in, you can see the back part of the green stock which is similar to the recon's, it looks like it can't hold a clip.

    also at the 6 it shows a 4th blaster that looks like a tech target

  6. disk shooters will definitely curve their shots. Used to have a pair of true semi automatic disk shooters...I lost all the disks....

    They'll definitely shoot further than streamlines though.

  7. Yay... disk wars.. fun. I'm disappointed.

  8. Here is a quote form Nerf on Facebook (it looks as if N-strike isn't going anywhere) "Hey Nerf Nation, we'll be revealing more Vortex collection details & pics here soon! Just know, the performance and power you look for from Nerf blasters holds true with the Vortex line and the N-Strike line isn't going anywhere (get ready for the ultimate Nerf collection). Can't wait for you to test out the Vortex line firsthand, in action! Hope you'll keep up the hype with us until the chance arrives on 9.10.11."

  9. WOW! Got my eye on one of them alr! Unfortunately, the colour scemes kinda suck :/

  10. hi SG this kinda has nothing to do with this but I couldn't find where to put it so I just put it in ur latest post

    I am having trouble modding my nite finder
    the compartment with the AR in it is glued shut and I can't get it open.
    I don't want to be to forcfull cos I don't want to break it, could you please give me some tips on getting it open


  11. looks promising! but when i think "vortex" i think black and neon green or some shade of green. someone start a facebook petition! (i would start one but i don't know how but i know it can be done... right?)

  12. Samza,

    You could try using a pipe cutter to cut open the AR compartment, remove the AR parts, then glue it back together.

    Alternatively, an easier method is to just use a motorized power drill to simply drill out the AR.

  13. I've made an analysis here:

    Looks sweet!

  14. I see four or five guns total in this thing, three that they flat out show us, and one or two off to the sides.

  15. is there a guide anywhere on how to drill it out?

  16. Samza,

    Its very simple, just use a suitable sized drill bit and drill straight through the AR in the plunger tube.

    Do make sure you don't damage the rest of the plunger tube in the process though.

  17. Oh yeah... Nerf Shuriken Catapults.

    Looks like my Inquisitor costume for DragonCon in a few years is going to be Ordo Xenos. ^_^

  18. They just look like buzz bee repaints. By the way i have started a blog called Simply Nerf and you can find it at

  19. Thats useless. What nerf needs is a grenade launcher or a Double drum magazine not that.

  20. thanx sg
    all done. got some epic range on it now.
    only drawback is that it shoots so far it goes over the fence and into the jaws of an awaiting dog. still, i'm happy cos now I can snipe

  21. hi sg me again
    sorry i keep posting stuff on the wrong thingo
    but um this should be the last one
    in australia they have bucketloads of yellow longshots i mean heaps, walk ino any good dept store and you find about 10 of em. although i've never seen a blue one

  22. Samza,

    Yes, i've also read about the remaining supply of Yellow Longshots still available at dept stores in Australia. Its a good opportunity to get them before they finally run out of stock. :)
