Thursday, September 6, 2012

Nerf Elite Pinpoint Sight?

Check it out... Nerf Elite Pinpoint Sight spotted at the Nerf Dart Tag Tournament Malaysia 2012 event group!

Source: Nerf Dart Tag Tournament Malaysia 2012


  1. Wow can't believe it been wanting 1 since 09'

  2. Oh yeah! I'll be getting one as soon as they come to the U.S.

  3. This accessorie is fairly old, so maybe they will bring back the long shot

  4. Now I can finally have one

  5. a Longshot is really not that much better than a retaliator.

    Once people have the guts to put stronger springs in them they will get same ranges. Just screw in a grip nob to the priming bar and use that. And if you want a pump action system just get a Rampage and make most of its barrel fake.. as its the same internals as a retaliator beside locks.

    Nerf need to make a improved version of the stamped its the most popular right now but it seems to but full in the shops .. a smaller box version of it would be cool with a smaller clip and a reshell or recolor ... (its battery are not the most standard kind for example) the same internals in a new shell would prob be enough..

  6. Yay, i've wanted one for a long time now, hopefully it will come to Australia, however i'm sure its going to be expensive.

  7. That is so awesome, the old version never was avaiable in Germany, I hope this one will.

    Sg, can the Pinpoint Sight compete with other Red Dots, technically? I guess it's all plastics not glass...

    1. Chris Cross,

      Well, it doesn't feature the tough materials or fine adjustment settings of real reflex sights... but it is one of the Nerf sights that is actually functional (the rest tend to be just hollow plastic tubes or static iron sights).

      Btw, you can read my review of the yellow N-Strike version here:

  8. yay! now i only want an elite longstrike. or just bring longshots back into production. but elite longstrike would be cooler, i want to get a longstrike but i don't want to mod it. it should replace the elite barricade, unless it has 4 battery compartments the stock is the only difference.

    excuse my grammer, i just read that over and it sounded stupid

  9. Hi,
    Do you have any info about when it will come out?I have been wanting one for a long time....

    1. Anonymous,

      I have no idea when it'll be released, i guess we'll just have to keep a lookout for them popping up in stores.
