Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Nerf N-Strike Deploy CS-6 - Preview!

kevinericon has posted up another surprise find... the Nerf N-Strike Deploy CS-6!

Check it out the photos he posted on the NerfHaven forums:

- Photos from kevinericon

Link to kevinericon's NerfHaven thread:


  1. This is awesome! Another new Nerf Gun for Clip Systems! I was happy just to see the Longstrike, but this gun is a nice surprise! So what if it's another reshelled Recon or Longshot, it's a neat gun with a nifty gimmick!

  2. holy crap if nerf can do that without the video game then imagine whatelse they can make
    that is sweet suitcase uzi

  3. awesome one too, but the long strike is better

  4. whoooooo!!! that is pretty weird
    (but cool) looking...

  5. do you know when this gun will be available and the price of it

  6. Should be soon, just need to keep a look out on store shelves. :)

  7. this looks so sweet. i always wonder how that guy on NerfHaven always sees guns b4 they come out...

  8. In the third picture. The guy who took the pic had it out of the box. How does he have it already?

  9. Pump-action meg-fed Nerf gun with built-in taclight and ironsights? I'm getting that for sure!

  10. Wow tht must be hard trying to choose between the deploy or the longstrike to bad he couldnt get both.

  11. Will this come out in the spring of 2010?

  12. I hope bit looks so coooooooool looks like a real gun

  13. im gonna use my dart drum from the raider on that thing lolz

  14. hey look at the end of the barrel is that somthing to attach a recon barrel?

  15. Hi i got a question how did u get the longstrike i have been looking every where (in florida) could u plz tell me i willing to pay money $

  16. I got my Longstrike in Singapore, it's avaliable at most major dept stores locally.

    It seems that Longstrikes are also appearing at stores in the States too. Check out the NerfHaven forum for threads about it.

  17. oh man that looks awesome .do u no when its out in australia and the longstrike 2

  18. Not too sure about Nerf blaster avaliability in Australia, perhaps you can check at the Oz Nerf forum?

  19. hey thx man big help

  20. I fail to understand the concept behind this. Isn't the point of a "stealth mode" supposed to be so that one cannot tell that the giant plastic thing is a Nerf gun? Rather pointless seeing as it's painted in the Nerf signature red, and the logo is on the stock. And a flashlight??? Doesn't the light still work when the gun is deployed? Sounds to me like putting it into stealth mode is, well, almost counter-productive (in lieu of a better term). And don't tell me you're just buying it for looks. One day, Nerf is going to make some completely dysfunctional blaster that looks cool, and they're going to make thousands. Or millions.

  21. Dude, chill out man... its just a toy. :)

  22. yeah what they need to do is to build a gun that can switch to different clips when triggered... i am trying to modify a bunch of pieces from the recon. raider. and long-shot to build this...

  23. is deploy can stay longer cause my 2 frenz have but the things inside it has something wrong and it spoiled. please tell cause i am confuse between having a deploy or the rapid fire as-20.

  24. endry,

    It all depends on what features you want in a blaster... check out my full reviews on both blasters:

    Nerf Deploy CS-6 Review

    Nerf Rapid Fire AS-20 Review

