Friday, January 8, 2010

Nerf Bandolier Kit in Singapore!

Even more news...

The Nerf N-Strike Bandolier Kit is now in Singapore.

Avaliable at most major dept stores.

Retail price @ SGD$29.90.

It is packaged with a bandolier strap, 2 x 6-dart clips and 24 streamline darts.


  1. on the back it has a picture of a gun with scop on backwards

  2. Yep they just got this in Oregon (U.S.A.),I saw it at a Walmart looks pretty neat!

  3. i have it. it is awesome. its a bit big when you get it, and some tweaking wont get smaller, because theres a clip holder in the way. fold down the clip holder and adjust it, and it will fit better. i wonder if this works well with the BuzzBee bandolier thing...

  4. is this just for holding clips or can it hold blasters too?

  5. The Bandolier strap has clips on each end so you can use it as a blaster strap.

  6. I got one but it not that good the darts in he clip keep falling out

  7. yo guys i have the kit it is so!!!!!kewl[cool] it is like the best acssorie ever made

  8. Can you do a review on this? Thanks! P.S. I love your reviews and blogs.

  9. John,

    Well, the Bandolier Kit basically consists of two N-Strike clips and a set of streamline darts, bundled with a bandolier strap with elastic loops to hold clips and ammo.

    At each end of the bandolier strap there are swivel snap-clips to clip onto blaster strap mounts.

  10. Ashwin,

    The Nerf Bandolier Kit is available at most major dept stores in Singapore.

  11. What N-Strike blasters is the belt clip compatible with?
    (Alpha Trooper specially)
    Thanks in advance.

  12. JMJqueseyo,

    Well, just look for N-Strike blasters that have loop points at their handles, shoulder stocks or barrels, then you can clip the strap on those blasters.

  13. Stefan,
    they dont fall out mine barely even fits in the loops
