Design-wise, the Rapid Fire 20 (aka RF20 in short) belongs to a classic era of Nerf blasters, the hive barrel and exposed tube design can be seen as rather "old skool" compared to the latest modern N-Strike blasters, but what the RF20 lacks in looks, it more than makes up in sheer foam dart firing capability.
Its rate of fire will impress everyone, the RF20 can be fired in both Semi-Auto or Full Auto (mode selection is done via a dial on its side). In Full Auto mode, the RF20 can fire an average of 8 rounds per second, that's 480 rounds per minute! This makes it just about the fastest firing blaster in the current Nerf range.
All this operates via its auto-rotating multi-barrel turret which has a 20 foam dart ammo capacity. It is compatible with all Nerf foam darts too.
Note: The RF20 sets i've reviewed here are purchased from Jusco Toys R Us in JB, and these are the standard versions with a black/red color scheme. There is actually a newer version called the Nerf N-Strike AS-20 which is essentially the same mechanically, but has an updated black/yellow color scheme and embossed with "Nerf N-Strike" logos.
Nerf Rapid Fire 20 - Box (Front)

Nerf Rapid Fire 20 - Box (Back)

Nerf Rapid Fire 20 - Un-boxed (20 Micro Foam Darts & Logo Stickers)

Nerf Rapid Fire 20 - With Micro & Tagger Foam Darts

Nerf Rapid Fire 20 - Scale Comparison with Nerf Longshot & Maverick

Here is a test fire video of the Nerf Rapid Fire 20 in action, i've used 3 sets to demonstrate the various firing combinations:
1st RF20 : Micro Foam Darts (Full Auto mode)
2nd RF20 : Tagger Foam Darts (Semi-Auto mode)
3rd RF20 : Tagger Foam Darts (Full Auto mode)
Test Fire Video:
Whether its for participating in Nerf skirmish games or just to impress your friends and colleagues, I would highly recommend the Nerf Rapid Fire 20! :)
will this be in singapore? and when if it is
ReplyDeleteThe Rapid Fire 20 is now a Toys R Us exclusive nerf model, so it up to the local store chain whether they want to bring it to SG.
ReplyDeleteNo news of local avaliability yet, so i guess we'll just have to keep a look out for this model. :)
do they sell it in malaysia?
ReplyDeleteToys R Us stores in M'sia used to stock RF20s up until a few months ago, but it seems no more have been spotted on shelves lately.
ReplyDeleteI guess you could check the stores if you happen to take a trip up to M'sia. :)
wow if u want to have a fun time or train what nerf guns would you reccomend us to use?
ReplyDeleteIf possible, try all the different nerf blasters that you can find and see which ones suit your play styles.
ReplyDeleteThere is no "best" blaster, all have their uses for different game situations.
Better still... join the NerfSG organised games!
Check out the game locations and dates over at the NerfSG forums. :)
so should i even buy a nerf gun off
ReplyDeleteOnly if you are willing to pay alot or if you can find an absolutely good deal... because the 3rd party shipping from USA to SG is already very expensive.
ReplyDeleteis it the same even if you buyt off hasbro toy store?
ReplyDeleteYup, its the same. doesn't ship worldwide either, so you'll need to get a 3rd party shipper.
SG Nerf,
ReplyDeleteCould you please post a size comparison of a longshot, rapid fire 20, and longshot with sidearm attached? Thanks!
Yup, Rapid Fire 20 scale comparison with Longshot and Maverick now posted up! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks! How much faster does it shoot then the Vulcan? I watched the video. Wow that makes the Vulcan look bad.
ReplyDeleteYup... in full auto, the Rapid Fire 20 can fire all 20 foam darts in under 3 seconds.
ReplyDeleteBurst firing is probably a more efficient way to use a Rapid Fire 20, just use quick trigger pulls to fire off 3-4 shots each time. Gives you more opportunity to tag multiple opponents.
The main advantage a Vulcan has is its ability to load in a new belt of ammo to continue firing, and its motorized so no need to pump up.
With the Rapid Fire 20, once all the foam darts are fired off, it'll take time to reload and pump up again.
So both blasters will require different gameplay techniques. :)
I went into a nerf war with this. I did not realize it was not pumped and ran up to someone and got totally crushed
ReplyDeletedo you know if it can hold streamline darts?
ReplyDeleteYes, it can use streamline foam darts too.
ReplyDeletecompared to the magstrike,which blaster is better in range despite it's looks and dart capacity?
ReplyDeleteBoth the Rapid Fire 20 and Magstrike have around the same stock range, approx 25-30 ft.
Tested this gun today. Sorry that i am pretty slow about releases of the gun.
ReplyDelete25 pumps (full) is not enough, can only get 15 darts flying.
Needless to say this guy is probably the most dangerous gun to deal with since if as long as the user is quick to aim and trace, the target will have very little chance to escape.
however this gun is not recommended for kids since as you keep pumping air into compressor chamber, it gets tougher to pump
ReplyDeleteJust a quick note, your Rapid Fire 20 (RF20) should be able to fire all 20 foam darts from a full capacity of air.
If you find that your RF20 fires less then 20 shots per full air capacity, then there are probably air leaks or inefficient air flow issues in that particular umit.
I'd recommend to exchange it at the store for a new properly working unit.
Can I find the Rapid Fire 20 at the northern part of Peninsular Malaysia?
ReplyDeleteI'm in Singapore so i've no idea of the exact Nerf stock availability in Malaysia.
Perhaps you can check with the Malaysian nerfers at the M'sia Nerf Facebook page.
Hey SG Nerf, I am in need of some help. Btw I am in Aus, but I don't think that will change anything. Anyway, I want to get either a Magstrike ($35 for non Dart Tag version) and the latest Rapid Fire AS-20. Does the magstrike I previously mentioned have one clip, or two? Because I don't plan on buying two Mags for a second clip, OR duel wield. So apart from clip/gun size there is no differance? Cause if so, I would be more then willing to fork out an extra $15 over the mag to get AS20. Thanks in advance =3
ReplyDeleteIf the Magstrike that you mentioned is not the Dart Tag version, then it is only packaged with one 10-dart clip.
Other than the size and shape of the Magstrike AS-10 and the Rapid Fire AS-20, both blasters have similiar firing systems and performance.
If you are not planning to get more clips for the Magstrike, then go for the Rapid Fire AS-20.
Do they happen to have the non dart tag type magstrike in penang
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot SG Nerf =3
ReplyDeletehow many time do this pump?
ReplyDeleteAs mentioned in my review, it takes around 20+ pumps to fill it up fully.
Please read the review properly before asking questions.
do this need to pump when you choose single fire? (I know the rapid fire does)
ReplyDeleteYes, the blaster is powered by compressed air from the air tank system so it has to be pumped up to fire in both modes.
Single-fire mode is basically a slower version of the rapid-fire mode.
which one is better? the rapid fire as 20 or the alpha trooper cs 18?
ReplyDeleteFor actual Nerf games, the Alpha Trooper will be overall more effective, it has slam-fire mode and can use N-Strike clips, so users can just keep swapping and reloading new clips for continuous firing.
The Rapid Fire 20 is great for 20 shots, but after that it takes time to manually reload it's turret and get pumped back up... not something players want to be doing in the middle of a Nerf game. :)
i have a problem with this rapid fire as 20,first when i pumped 22 times and the next pump will show the loud pop and it doesn't fire anymore,how come?
ReplyDeleteLooks like you got a faulty unit, just exchange it at the store for a new properly working unit.
Btw, try to use another blogger nickname please. :)
no,like work for 4 months and it won't work anymore and it show the loud pop,how come?
ReplyDeleteThat means its not working properly anymore, so just buy a new one.
I have a bit of a probleme with it.
ReplyDeleteWhen I bought one today I was so excited I played with it for 5 hours and then it happend. In the pumping system when you pupmp it you usualy hear a squicking sound normally but mine after 5 hours of using it the squing stop and when I pumed it, it restricks of pumping then I have to pump it 40 times to get 20 shots. Pleas help me with this probleme.
DeleteYour unit's pump seal probably somehow got loose and became leaky, so just exchange it at the store for a new working unit. Save all the hassle.
Um a SG Nerf,
DeleteSome said its O-ring is just need to be replaced, could yah help me out?
I only need internal pics couse going back to Hong Kong from Phillipines I don't think is a good idea XD.
Am a SG Nerf,
ReplyDeleteSome say that it can be fixed but how? couse I don't think going back to Hong Kong from the Phillipines is such a good idea and I'm kinda sad about it cause buying nerf is a big deal for me $$ >_< $$ so pleass SG nerf even tought I'm not in your country. I only need photos.
DeleteWell, you could try opening the casing then see if you can fix the pump on your own, here is a blaster internals photo for your reference:
You could then open the pump and try checking if the existing pump o-ring is loose or broken, then find a suitable replacement o-ring to fix it.
Um SG Nerf,
DeleteThanks a whole lot for all of your time and help I really appreciate it.
Is it still available in SG and if it is, how much?
DeleteThey were available for a short time back in 2010-2011, but nowadays they are all sold out at local dept stores. Most nerfers have to now get them from overseas or online.
would a rapid fire 20 be better than a magstrike?
ReplyDeleteAlso, would a rapid fire 20 be worth picking up for 19 aud
DeleteYes, its a good blaster to get if you are looking for a high rate-of-fire blaster, and it has more ammo capacity compared to a N-Strike Magstrike (unless you can find the Dart Tag versions or extra clips for the Magstrike).
where can I find a magstrike/rapid fire in the u.s?
DeleteSome dept stores might still stock them... if not, then just see if you can find sellers on eBay.
I saw the Rapid Fire AS-20 at Target in Australia last year, then it just suddenly disappeared. Now i regret not getting one.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Awesome firing noise!!
Which is better magstrike or rapid fire as-20?
DeleteIf you can get more spare 10-dart clips, then the Magstrike is good. If not, then the Rapid Fire 20 is better, 'cos it has higher in-built ammo capacity.
i brought this at robinson nakorn in 2011
ReplyDeleteWhat does the spring in the clear tube do if it fires with air?
ReplyDeleteRalph Bighead,
DeleteThe spring is part of the air piston assembly, it is designed to allocate and regulate the air pressure within the firing chamber and serve as a return spring.
When the trigger is pulled, air pressure from the main air bladder tank is transferred into the air piston, it will push and compress the spring until a certain point whereby the piston is opened and the air is released to fire a dart, the spring returns the piston back to the starting position, then the whole process repeats again. :)